Sweet Memories are a collection of Dr. Mariamma Thomas’ writings during the past 15 years after retirement while living in Virginia Beach and Bettendorf. In both places, she joined a writer’s club. The Bettendorf group leader Dr. Margie Schwaninger is an outstanding writer, motivator, and leader. When they took a break this summer, she challenged them to look at their old writings and to put them to good use. This book results from Mariamma’s “looking at my old writings.”
Mariamma wrote about a variety of subjects. Some were about their culture, customs, work, travel, members of the family and friends who influenced her life and made significant contributions to the world at large, some general topics such as security alarms, railways, Amish and Mennonite and so on. She also copied some articles of interest from her book “Memoirs of Pastor A.C. Samuel.”
Mariamma referred to her husband as Daddy, John and at other times as Dr. Thomas in some of these articles. These topics cover life in India and the United States of America.